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We have a wealth of experience in multi-depth, high specification basement construction.

We have extensive knowledge of basement construction and often engage with our clients to find the most optimised design solutions to enable a safe system of construction. We focus on open cut basements with various retentions systems such as contiguous piled walls; secant piled walls and sheet piling and we have completed numerous restricted access basements which we have managed and constructed with input on design to optimise the design and likewise ensure a safe, planned methodology of installation

Our team at SPJ Contracting work closely with clients before the construction stage, firmly establishing both the ground and underground conditions. This phase of work includes soil contamination checks, a must for brownfield sites, plus we establish the water table height, soil saturation levels and identify any and all underground services which may affect the site.

Different types of basement construction require different waterproofing systems. At the early stages of the design process, we consider the precise method of construction and can advise clients on the optimum waterproofing strategy. Our team can offer comparisons against other forms of construction and waterproofing so each client is fully in the picture.

Basement Construction Services:

  • Piled Retaining Walls
  • Sheet Piling
  • King Post Systems
  • Underpinning
  • Capping Beams
  • Temporary Shoring
  • Bulk Excavations
  • Groundwater Control
  • Earthwork Support
  • Waterproofing Systems
Concrete Basement Construction
Basement Construction