Our groundwork division supports our clients with solid, dependable foundations, perfectly matched to each build.
Our groundworks division has detailed experience in all forms of foundation systems and any associated groundworks.
SPJ Contracting can undertake all manner of groundworks ranging from small non-complex foundation systems to complex systems and large-scale developments. We have extensive knowledge of the various systems and maintain a focus on key criteria of Budget, Programme and Safe System of Works when analysing proposals by others or when offering up proposals to our clients.
We have extensive knowledge and experience in all facets of groundworks and also partner with a Design & Build Foundation provider on projects with challenging / variable ground conditions. This enables us to analyse design proposals when tendering to see if the optimized scheme is being utilised and where necessary offer a value engineered scheme which is fully warranted. Below is a list of options in terms of types of foundations (not a conclusive list):
Piling, strip foundations, pads and bases, ground beams, capping beams, pile caps and underpinning to existing building / structures. Reinforced concrete rafts, beam and block flooring and substructure brickwork. Precast planks, hollow rib decking, structural concrete toppings and structural screeds.
Groundworks and Foundations Services:
- Ground remediation and site preparation
- Excavations – reduce levels, bulk excavation and deep excavation’s
- Foundations and structural slab construction
- Earthwork Support
- Tanking Systems
- Piling (design and install)
- Pile mat preparation including design
- Temporary Works
- Underpinning
- RC Walls & Columns
- Upper level RC slabs and floors
- Drainage Systems
- Incoming utility services